
Mom. Triathlete. Yogi. Foodie. Writer. Boss. Coffee lover. Side hustler.



Five years ago today…

Two years ago today…

This time last year…

I remember when…

These are all things that I say. Often. Maybe I say it aloud; mostly, I say it to myself. I don’t ever need Facebook memories to remind me that “on-this-day-today” I did something that might make me cry in the present, scream in the moment, boil my blood now, or spiral me into today’s short-lived depression. But, because “today” happens, these things travel. They are my baggage. I carry everything that was packed in “today” with me every day. I know the dates, I know the places, the times, the energies, the symbolism, the words, the trinkets and I have all the scars. There are days in which I’m so strong; I carry the weight well, almost as if it wasn’t ever there. On other days, it can make the simplest of breaths labored.

With each passing day, I move further away from “today”. Like a point-to-point run; the start slowly creeps into yesterday’s rearview mirror until I think I’m in the clear. As my memory floods, I pull over only to get caught up in the high tides that nip at my feet.

I tried so hard
To cleanse these regrets
— The Smashing Pumpkins

Five years ago today everything changed. But everything changes in every today.

To Be a Dreamer

To Be a Dreamer

Breathing Rambles

Breathing Rambles